Yayoi Higashiyama | 東山 弥生

Solo Exhibition: Letters from now here
September 27 –  30, 2022
The cultural center of Matthew Casimir Sarbievius, Kražiai, Lithuania

(http://www.kraziai.lt/kurybine-yayoi-higashiyama-rezidencija-kraziuose/ )

The title comes from Jonas Mekas’ work “Letters from Nowhere”. The Lithuanian-American filmmaker often made works in the form of diaries, which he called letters. He documented his daily thoughts, memories, and impressions of the world and Lithuania.
As a young man, he had to flee from Lithuania and could not return for 27 years. This probably turned his homeland into a “nowhere” place, existing only in his memory.

I had the opportunity to visit Lithuania for the first time and was able to experience the culture and history that lives on in this small town. I have chosen the form of a diary of daily sketches and observations of my experiences in this place, and have painted as if it were postcards to be sent to someone else. This place is no longer “Nowhere” for me anymore, and this exhibition of works created “now” and “here”. This is a reply to Mekas, a record of my respect for the inhabitants who live here and keep the culture alive, and a “letter” from myself.

 個展のタイトルはジョナス・メカスの作品「Letters from Nowhere」から来ています。リトアニア系アメリカ人の映像作家ジョナス・メカスはしばしば日記の形式で作品を作り、そうした映像を「手紙」と呼びました。日々の思考や記憶、印象、世界やリトアニアについての記録を撮り続けました。若い頃彼はリトアニアから逃げなければならず、27年間もの間戻ることが叶いませんでした。そのため彼の祖国は記憶の中にしかない「どこにもない」場所に変わってしまったのでしょう。
